Disclaimer: These instructions should work for most Android devices but there may be slight variations.
Download the WhereYouGo application from the Play Store

Click on the link in the geocache page to get to the Wherigo cartridge page. On the left hand side, click the "Download" button.

From the dropdown box, select "Pocket PC Device" then click "Download Now"

Method 1: Using an Android Device
Using the “My Files” app on your Android device, move the file from /storage/emulated/0/Download to/storage/emulated/0/WhereYouGo

Method 2: Using a PC
Copy the cartridge file from the Dowloads folder on your computer to the \Phone\WhereYouGo folder on your device. On newer devices, this will be \Android\data\menion.android.whereyougo\files\

Open the WhereYouGo application and you will see the menu screen. Select “Location”

If you see “No Satellites”, press the Location Button in the bottom left corner.

The line underneath "Location" should be highlighted in blue and you should see satellites within the circle.

At the main menu, select “Start”.

Select the desired cartridge to start the game